Sunday 9 June 2013

Poker Lakes / Black River

 I started from Bentshoe Lake, passing through Poker L., Ooze L., Quirt L. before reaching Cinder Lake. Here I navigated the marsh on the West side, getting to Cinder Lake Road.

           Dock spider

 I was hoping to canoe the Cinder Creek, but that's not possible. So I took the road, portaging to Black River bridge on Cinder Lake Road.

          Start on the Black River.

 Black River has a pretty good flow, some gravel swifts, making for an easy paddle down river. I only had to portage around Sliderock Falls.

           Sliderock Falls

 It looks like nobody portaged the trail for quite some time. I didn't like the campsites on Black River (one reason being mosquitoes), so instead of a 2 days trip it became a day trip.
 Once getting to the bridge on Hwy118 I left the canoe and most of my gear in the bush and I walked back to the Poker Lakes parking lot to retrieve my car.
 It surely was an interesting trip.

1 comment:

  1. The Poker Lake loop was my first canoe loop trip. This was back when it was still just general use Crown land. I learned of it through one of Kevin Callan's paddling guide books. I still have fond memories of that little system.
    Cheers to you.
